tisdag 8 maj 2012

Inventions. Lesson 2 - About an invention

Homework assignment:  Choose one invention which you would like to know a bit more about. Start looking for information about this invention.

Classroom assignment: In class we will be using our computers to research information about our chosen inventions. (See side bar for usefull research links).

Points which should be included in your research results:

- A short description of your invention.

- When was your invention invented? By whom?
- What is the main function of your invention?
- Is your invention used all over the world?

Personal reflection points which should be included in your final research report:

- Why did you choose this invention?
- Could you live without this invention?

* Vocabulary excercise: during your research, choose 5 vocabulary words which are new to you. These words will be added to a class vocabulary list for this theme and will be tested at the end of the project. Your vocabulary words should be posted as a comment to "vocabulary"-post on the teacher-student blogg.

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